Get the mental and emotional support you need through individual and small-group coaching.

Why Coaching?
As a coach with personal HG experience, I offer a safe, understanding landing place for your questions and frustrations and an advocate when you need it most.
HG is a challenging and debilitating pregnancy illness. As a coach, I can help you be more efficient in managing your pregnancy with the limited time and energy you have.
When dealing with HG, the symptoms can create a domino effect that topples the medical, personal, professional, and financial lives of not only you but your partner, family, and friends. As a coach, I can provide you with tools and support to keep more of your dominos standing.
Session Rates
For your awareness, here are my baseline session rates. I will review my pricing and packages during our initial discovery call.
1x1 Coaching | $150/hour with multi-session discounts available.
Group Coach | $50/session booked in 3- or 6-session bundles
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do you offer your coaching services?
All of my coaching services are offered virtually through video conferencing software and email.
What can I expect while working with you?
I start all my coaching engagements with a 20-minute discovery call. This call is free and allows us to meet each other and see if we're a coaching match. I'll explain my coaching approach, ask a few questions to better understand your situation, and provide you with the opportunity to ask your own questions. You're under no obligation to purchase coaching services from me by completing the discovery call.
Is coaching the same as therapy or counseling?
No, coaching is not the same as therapy. While I am a licensed creative arts therapist, the services I offer as a life coach differ significantly from therapy or counseling. Therapy is past-focused, emphasizes healing past traumas, and requires a clinical care plan. Coaching is future-focused, centered on action and goals, and provides self-directed empowerment.
What happens if I'm already seeing a therapist or counselor, or you think I should see one after coaching starts?
If at any time during our coaching sessions I believe working with a therapist or counselor to be in your best interest, I will recommend you seek one out in your community. If you are currently seeing a therapist or counselor, coaching may still have a valuable place in your overall approach to well-being, which we can discuss during the discovery call.

"If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now. And when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong. "
—Masura Emoto, The Secret Life of Water